Earn money with Dankstop.

Get paid for every sale.

Unlock a steady stream of income by participating as an official affiliate with us. Our affiliates make 7% commission on each successful sale they refer to us. Each and every sale you refer is track and attributed to you, even if the visitor leaves and completes the sale at a later date. We make sure to meet and exceed industry averages on sales commissions.

How does it work?


Create a DankStop affiliate account.


Receive a customized, unique referral link & affiliate badge.


Place the link on your website or social network!


Get paid 7% of each sale made through your link.

Who Can Join? 

Our affiliate program is great for:

• Influencers
• Bloggers
• Youtubers
• Review Sites
• FB Page Owners
• Instagram Page Owners
Coupon & Deal Promotion Sites: 

We work directly with select coupon and deal promotion websites to ensure a fair and accurate affiliate system.  

Coupon and Deal Promotion sites will only earn commissions on orders which use their dedicated coupon code. 

You may apply for a dedicated coupon code during sign up, or contact us. 


Track your sales and earnings in your affiliate dashboard.

Ways to track sales: 

1.  Custom Link

2. Custom Coupon Code

3. Custom QR CODE

4. SKU – Promote a specific product for a higher %


Millions of people online are looking for their next pipe or vape. Our excellent track record of 5-star customer service, affordable price points, and great selection all lead to repeating customers. This of course means easier sales, and repeat commissions for you.

If you have a blog, website, and/or social media following, our Affiliate Program is the perfect way to start generating a second income.


Our affiliates aren’t bound to just sharing links to our homepage. In fact, the commission and tracking applies to every product on our site. Push individual products to the right audience for a higher conversion.

And with our constantly expanding inventory of bubblers, hand pipes, water pipes, oil rigs, vaporizers & more, there’s something to offer everyone.

How do affiliates get paid?

We pay affiliates by either check, wire transfer, BitCoin, or Dankstop.com store credit.

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