Canada-based Arizer is known for pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in the vaporizer industry. Whereas most companies in 2011 could only make desktop vaporizers with whip or bag-style inhalation, Arizer released the Extreme Q which could do both (as well as serve as an aromatherapy oil diffuser). In the same year they released the portable Solo vaporizer, which is notable for having luxuries not seen in portable vapes such as an extra wide chamber and a borosilicate mouthpiece. Innovations like these have allowed Arizer to consistently rank as the best on the market due to affordability, performance, and flexibility.
A short extrapolation of one of the Arizer vaporizers will help you get a grip on what kind of products the company hashes out. Let’s begin with the Extreme Q, which is extremely unique in its options of inhalation. Unlike most vaporizers that only have one option of inhalation, the Extreme Q offers two different ways of inhalation. If you prefer to use a draw whip, you’re in luck; the vaporizer includes a whip attachment. On the other hand, if you prefer using a balloon bag, you can do that as well. The vape also includes a detachable balloon system and two balloon kits. Furthering the impressive function which the Extreme Q possesses, the vape also features a remote control temperature setting system. Thanks to this convenient feature, you can change the temperature setting without having to get up! The temperature system is programmed to control the speed of the fan, temperature, and automatic shut-off power settings. And if you have any worry about the heating element, you will be pleased to hear that there is a lifetime warranty on it. There is even a 3-year warranty on the electronics. To top off this amazing vaporizer, there is an LCD digital display that shows the current temperature and the desired temperature.
As you can tell with the Extreme Q, Arizer gives you the full package in their vaporizers. Take a look at this collection, and see the awesome capability of their other products.

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